Nancy on her way with donuts for the monthly meet & greet
Nancy vescovo
I moved to Sawtelle with my husband and our two daughters in 2014. We fell in love with the neighborhood and decided to get involved. While not a gardner I love the community it brings.
Elsa and baby
Elsa Dual
Garden chair—she/her
Elsa is a native of France and actually likes to garden. Or at least she keeps our garden on track, opening every Sunday, organizing our volunteers and helping out with various garden projects.
Sarah prepping coffee at our monthly meet & greets
Sarah is a native Californian and a coffee connoisseur. So much so she opened a business "Good Intentions Coffee" and donates her most excellent coffee as well as her time to our community.
Greg hard at work mending the garden beds
Greg Pawin
Greg is a California native and loves to garden. Greg is also our master woodworker and has repaired many of the damaged garden beds. He’s also working on a new watering system for the garden